A Roaring Good Time
I'm roving as a Lioness at the circus-themed wedding reception of Michael and Jill. My queenly mask is the brilliant work of Eric Bornstein, creator of Behind the Mask Theater. I greet guests at the door with gregarious yet gentle growls, playfully pounce family and friends at the cocktail reception, and, paws and "claws" extended, flirtatiously invite young and old to dance. Cameras pop while champagne chills.
During the dinner buffet, I change costumes, becoming a a romantic European-style clown. I visit guests at their tables with juggling and you-can't-believe-it card tricks. (My secret? 52 versions of the nine of hearts!) Later, I enlist the cheerful help of a pre-teen family member of the bride and together we tour tables with spontaneous team juggling. She tosses me one ball to start my pattern of three. We trade one of the three back and forth, keeping the pattern going. The bride's mother loves our act!