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Jester of the Peace


Oct 9, 2022
Article: GoSolo, the Entrepreneur's Blog
Happy to be featured today on the GoSolo blog by Subkit, celebrating the journeys of entrepreneurs. I appreciate sharing some of the ups...

Sep 14, 2022
Article: AllSides News Site publishes Humor and Society
AllSides publishes daily news from the left, right and center perspectives. I'm honored to be published by AllSides! This online news...

Dec 6, 2017
Article: Huffington Post with M. Shannon Hernandez on Birthday Walks
M. Shannon Hernandez came on a birthday walk and published her experience on the Huffington Post site. She celebrated 39th Street for her...

Mar 31, 2002
Article: Boston Globe City Weekly on the Art Car
Michelle Kearns interviewed my when after a break-up I painted my colorful art car black with a one inch brush. It was a way to deal with...
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