Jester of the Peace

House of Holy Humor
A non-religious congregation for humor, art + love as daily practices, and a life path.
The Very First House of Holy Humor Service (Online, 15 min.)
The Healing Power of Humor Talk (13 min.)
HHH Daily Practices
(3 pillows on which we REST...)
The 3 Pillows
On Humor
We believe humor is a powerful force of healing and harmony for all people. We're serious! Humor is the unsung hero of sanity, and healthy community. Positive humor helps us grow beyond shame, embrace the journey of change, be brave and be known, express ourselves, and naturally act for a win-win world. Laughter is a vital part of every recovery journey, every dream's journey into being, every love story.
On Art
We believe art and creative expression are basic human rights. Art helps us discover and share what is beyond regular communication -- that which comes from undefined, unknowable origins, yet that powers intimately through us. Art is access to and action from the infinite. Art is also artfulness, bringing qualities of attention, craft and enjoyment into regular aspects of daily life. How could we put on our shoes artfully today?
On Love
We believe love brings affection to our imperfections, creates connection, and leads us in new, good direction. It's common to distill the meaning of life down to love. Yet what is it? Our definition of love is "win-win." Love is creating a world in which all people are seen, heard, celebrated and connected; all our gifts found, given, and appreciated. Love honors life's shadows and light together, bringing celebration to our shared journey. Just like Art. Just like Humor. Trifecta!
Yes, I also speak at Congregations of many faiths about humor as a spiritual practice. Here's a sweet sermon from the Unitarian Universalist Congregation of the Palisades, led by Rev. Sonia Ketchian.