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All aboard for a journey of increasing self-expression and naturally arising confidence, discovered in creative adventures that see and free you to be you. Take the trip through six lands of self-celebration with friends, family, or colleagues you want to grow with and know more deeply. It's time to own your Truth and Treasure. 

EE - shutterstock_526756690
AND NOW - MIGHT - 2.7 - Beverly Chang photo - Jester Of The Peace
Love Letter Lounge - Chashama Winter 201562
Calling In - Barbara Ann Michaels  - 8
Setting a Clear Priority for my new birthday year!

"Inspiring and nurturing, kick-ass and profound." 

Group Itinerary

Gather 2 to 12 of your special people to grow and glow with, to know and be known more deeply.  You love growing in community, deepening your active networks.  Whether with friends, family, or professional colleagues, you'll all bond and be more of who you are individually. You'll come to share a common language and understanding that furthers you after the course. 

Our Itinerary includes in-person or online Expression rituals, live calls, online action & reflection prompts, an online portal, and surprises.

5 - Express your Vision

Feel and flex your vision and

your circle of sure support. 

6 - Express your Commitment 

(guests welcome)
Discover and make a central commitment

you desire, held and honored in community. 

Emerge expressing your Newness

and your Always-Was-There You-Ness...


After Expression Express, continue with an optional ongoing membership in Lightyear.

Come and Become...

1 - Express your Senses

Dive into your senses, which help you meet

the world openly and freely, and receive. 

2 - Express your Heart

Give and receive love and comfort fearlessly.

3 - Express your Humor

Tap into your natural humor, discover your

body language, and create positive connection

with others, bringing ease to your life. 

4 - Express your Creativity (guests welcome)

Confidently share your creativity.

Trust others want to hear you. Shine.

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